Thursday, February 17, 2011


I realized the other day that Valentine's Day came and went without me hardly saying a word about it. All I told you was that I made donut holes. I felt like Snow White or something, cooking in my fancy dress. It was fun though. Nick took me out to eat at Qudoba's (spelling?). You got one item free if you kissed someone at the cash register. 

I would kiss the guy behind me in line for free food.

Or the girl. Haha! But seriously, it was good food. I'd never been there before. It was like a mexican Subway, where you choose everything that goes on your burrito/nachos/etc. My husband and I enjoyed a simple evening of food and each other's company. It was lovely.

And also, I made Valentine cards! 
I love making cards. Someone should hire me!

I think it's great to have a holiday that celebrates love, whether it's romantic or otherwise. If you have the joy of sharing your heart with anyone, be thankful. 

Switching gears now. I am on the hunt for some statistics on the orphanages or facts or other articles about similar places in the Central Asian area. I want to paint a picture here. So keep checking the blog for more updates, and keep the orphanages in your prayers!


1 comment:

  1. I will hire you to make Valentine's cards that I will someday give someone.
