Friday, February 18, 2011

Thoughts from Lindsey's you are really wearing that for a YEAR!?!?!

Manville, population 1

Myself and our first born, well, adopted...Bennie

Hi, my name is Nick Tabor and I thought I would help bring a touch of variety today and give Lindsey a break on the daily blog.  The number one question I get, ESPECIALLY from men, is "so your wife is really gonna wear that dress a year?....won't you get tired of seeing it?"

Will I get tired of seeing that dress?  Well yes and no...and I'm sure I'll have a different answer for all of you a couple months down the road.  However I am definitely 100% for this project, and here are some simple bullets (not to perpetuate any stereotypes, but men love lists) on why.

1.) It is for a GREAT cause.  Yes, there are children in need everywhere, including America (supporting the homeless and impoverished in our country is indeed a nobel task).  However, some situations are so dire that to me, they take precedent.  There is a lot that we take for granted here in our wonderful country.  Our country has basic social programs that aid the needy, places like the Open Door Mission that offer free food, rides to the location, shelter, programs, and a store where everything is free - including furniture, clothes, toys, etc.  In some of these Central Asian countries, the very lowest rungs on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs aren't met.  The workers in the orphanages are told not to touch the infants to keep them from getting attached.   Food is slim.  They are understaffed.  There is little to no medicine. The simple developmental need of attention and touch is not met.

I'll gladly see my wife in 1 dress for a year to do anything - big or small - to help.

2.) On a lighter note, I get to make her do odd poses - like.....wait for it......
The Thriller, sort of ;) favorite....I forced her to play the guitar.....she has an amazing voice
playing a 62' Silvertone, just like Cat Power

3.) She is so cute I don't really care what she wears.

4.) If the cuteness wears off (which it WON'T) - she is still super creative on top of it, so the outfit usually looks interesting and fresh regardless.

5.) Men listen up, almost NO $$$$ is required for her clothing budget.  This opens up more money in the budget for the luxuries, like Laffy Taffy  and Big League Chew ;)

and finally...

6.) I never have to answer the question, "does this make my butt look big?" because she wears the same thing every single day.   And it isn't big anyway.  And if it was, I'm still cool with it.

So as you can see, there are many benefits to this project - chiefly (I know it sounds cliche) the children.  Once we get past our culture's obsession with looks, there are plenty of wonderful benefits to be had.  Unlike like my wife, I am a shameless self promoter, so feel free to make a donation ;) 100% goes to our contact.  And if you do not feel moved in a monetary way, which is ok, please keep up with Lindsey's posts and get lots of insight into a different part of the globe we call home.  Spread the Word.

Oh, and before I forget - yesterday's outfit

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