Monday, March 21, 2011

A world in unrest stays in unrest

Hello, everybody!

I have a new update from our contact.  She and her family recently had some visa trouble, which is why we haven't had any updates about the orphanages for a while.

If you have turned on the news lately you might have seen some unsettling scenes. Our world today is changing right before our eyes. Do not be afraid, just check out your Bible and read how Jesus prophesied about all this. The good news for Christians is our hope is in Jesus Christ, not in any economy or country. My prayer is that every person in this world would evaluate their relationship with God and surrender completely to Him.

Unfortunately we are experiencing some visa difficulties, therefore we had to leave the country for a few days. We are currently in the process of trying something new to obtain a one-year visa. We have been leaving the country every 3 months since last summer because of these visa difficulties. The country we are living in is slowly trying to sift out foreigners, and some of the ways they are making this possible are by rejecting visas.

Also, the country we are living is experiencing slight civil unrest. I'm sure the people of this country are watching neighboring countries and becoming inspired to stand up to their government. Some protest leaders were put in prison and the protest quickly fizzled out. It's crazy to think that what's been happening in other countries on the news could quite possibly happen here.

I'm asking for your prayers- oh how we need them! Pray that we can obtain this year-long visa to stay in the country and continue our work. Please pray for the country's political state, and the safety of everyone living here. Also please pray that the people here will hunger and thirst for the Living God! We often pray that they will see visions of Jesus and seek to find out more about Him (which is often the case in many Muslim countries).

Thank you for your prayers and support. Without them we would not be able to be here. With all our love- thank you!

Our contact has made it safely back with her family, but please continue praying for their safety and for their precarious situation.  

Also, I would like to ask readers to lift Japan up in prayer.  It's horrible what's happening there.  Pray for their people's recovery and protection and that God can use this event for His good purpose, and draw people closer to him. 


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