Monday, March 7, 2011

Road Trip!

I would like to start this post off by saying that I am an absolute failure.
Now, don't try and comfort me! It has been five days since I posted here.

Who would've thought that keeping up with a blog would be so difficult? It's not that typing is hard, or that my fingers are too weak to click the mouse. I don't know why it is hard. But for me, it is.
And, on top of that, I realized that I didn't post a picture of one of my previous outfits. Gah!

So, today, I present to you a smattering of pictures from the day of the Forgotten Outfit, which was actually a terrific day.  :)

Me and my friend Maggie had a mini road trip! We decided to go down there together and visit some old friends of ours from high school.

Finding parking there was a nightmare! lol. But we finally did it. And Maggie conquered a demon known by the name of Parallel Parking. *shudder*.

We met up first with our friend Rachel at a fro-yo joint called Red Mango. It was awesome! But I was having so much fun that I forgot to take pictures of that part. :(  My bad. But then, Rachel had to leave for work and so, we gave my sister Lea a call, and she came down to the Red Mango and criticized my frozen yogurt concoction. The graham cracker crumbs were for texture, Lea! But, you're right. Yours was a lot better.

Then we decided to stretch our legs and visit some of Lea's favorite stores in the area. First, we went to a used book store.



Also, I really liked that yellow chair.  :)

And then we went to a handful of other stores, mostly selling overpriced clothing.

And we posed like dorks in the neat-o fitting rooms.
While on-lookers looked on.

And then we drank coffee. And got lost in the building where Lea is supposed to live. (We were looking for our other friend, Lewis.) And received a lovely, albeit round-about tour of the campus. We saw old ball rooms turned study spots, several dorm floors to us, previously unbeknownst, and some inappropriately shaped rock formations which I regret not photographing. 

It was a lovely lovely day! And so good to see people I have missed.

Me and Maggie can't wait to do it again. 

This is the "Grandma Rogers" pose.

Adieu, farewell, and all that stuff,


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