Saturday, August 27, 2011

One Last Time

Ok, I said that we would not have anymore orphanage updates for a while but I was wrong! Our contact got to have one last visit to the baby house before she left the country! I'll let her tell you about it.

Today was my last chance to say goodbye to the baby house. It was a sweet time and I was incredibly thankful for the opportunity to snuggle these precious angels one last time. I spent some time explaining to the workers why we have to leave the country and how very sad we are. One worker sat down with my friend and I and offered us tea and candy while we chatted. It was very kind of them and I take that gesture as a sign of our camaraderie.  I've always wanted them to know we consider ourselves part of their team and only desire to be a blessing and help to them. Then a bit later I asked permission to take some photos since I will be leaving forever. I didn't want to get my hopes up knowing that usually it is not allowed.

They. said. YES!

My heart was pounding while I raced to get my camera out. I could hardly believe it. I would finally be able to capture the faces of these darling babies and remember them in my heart forever. Now you can finally look into the eyes that have stolen my heart. May you be touched forever by these images.

I'm so excited about these pictures! I hope you were as blessed by them as I was. Also, I would like to give a big BIG thank you to Florence Christian Church.  You guys are awesome and I pray that God blesses you all for your generosity.  Thank you so so so much! 


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