Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Expectation Vs. Reality

Man, people. I tell you that I have enjoyed being able to wear the little black dress as a little black vest. This prolonged period of dress wearing has made me very aware that I am not the most lady like person. Most times I prefer to sit indian style as opposed to crossing my legs.  Which you can't do in public in a dress. :(

Also, it happens from time to time that a rogue breeze or fan will catch hold of your skirts and blow them upwards, giving the community a little sneak. Now, I'm sure you're all aware of that famous little scene where Marilyn Monroe is walking over the street vent and it blows her dress up, and somehow it's glamorous and sexy and she still manages to look abashed and hold it down a bit.

I have even made a couple little illustrations so that the audience may better compare and contrast.

Well, when it happens to me, I spaz out.  And I have about as much grace and reaction time as a sloth so I never can hold things down in time, or I have a hard time holding the dress down everywhere.  My worst ever experience of this happening was at salvage store where Nick and I were perusing their building materials.  A big industrial sized fan blew unexpectedly at my backside and blew my dress up before I could stop it.  Nearby was an old couple who looked mildly offended, and some pervy looking construction guys, who saw way more than the faucet selection that day. 

Ah, yes, it is good to have a variety of options, for a variety of reasons.


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