Monday, February 14, 2011

Well! It is good to be back in the land of the living! 
And just in time for Valentine's Day! 

The day after my last post, I literally wore the exact same thing, so I won't waste a picture on it. I was still sick and gross looking. The only thing I had the energy to change was my socks. :'(

Did you see the Little Black Dress Project news story on channel 6 WOWT ?

An Omaha Woman's Little Black Dress Project

Didn't the news people do such a nice job? Thank you for helping get the word out, Channel 6!

Yesterday this was what I wore.
Me and Nick enjoying the fine cuisine of Taco Bell

It was so nice outside that I didn't even need leggings! Just the sweater underneath. Now, I have received a couple of new updates on the orphanages since I've been sick and I've decided to put one up today and another tomorrow. 

Orphanage workers. You don't really think much about them do you? Sure, you hear stories about orphanages and the children and whatnot, but rarely would you consider what their lives are like. 
 They work long hours, are understaffed, underpaid, and have little to no training.

Orphanages in this country are not fully funded. At the baby house I volunteer at, the workers pool their own money together to buy plastic covers for the diapers. They make a little over $100 a month. Hardly enough to live by, don't you think? (And the cost of living is not cheap here.)

At the disabilities orphanage (pictures above) the workers are dealing with special needs children. It is a difficult job, I will admit. How many of you personally know a precious angel with a disability? All of us do. In developed countries these little blessings are given the chance for therapy and special schooling. Not these children. Parents don't want them. Maybe they are ashamed, maybe they don't have the finances, who knows.

I was told that oftentimes some children at this orphanage have MILD problems like epilepsy. The parents take them to the doctor to get a "note" that states the child is severely handicapped and needs to live in this orphanage. Therefore, these almost completely normal children are living in a disabilities home and all they need is some simple epilepsy medicine! Outrageous! My heart aches at the thought.

A group of us here are raising money to buy presents for the orphanage workers. Remember my last post about the baby house? If we can bless the workers, they in turn will hopefully have more love and compassion for the children they take care of. They are the ones basically "raising" these children! We volunteers only put in a few hours every week when we are allowed in. They, in a way, are the "mammas".

We will be selling baked goods for Valentines Day. Then we will take the money to buy nice gifts like perfume, soap, and chocolate for the ladies.

Will you pray with us? That we make a good amount of money, that we buy presents that will truly bless the workers, and that they in turn would love and bless the orphans?

Oh how I long for the day when our Father returns and there will be no more tears or pain. He will wipe every tear from the eyes of the orphans of this world.

We have received our very first donation. I'm going to start updating the total amount donated off to the side as they are given. Please, if you feel your heart moved, would you give? Thanks to our very first donor!

More tomorrow,

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