You know, the older I get, the more I appreciate how much little children have to teach us. I have no children of my own but I am the proud aunt of five precious nephews. Nothing thus far in life has brought Jesus' teaching about becoming like children closer to my heart and clearer to my mind than spending time with these boys. I could write a novel full of cute anecdotes but don't worry, I won't. I just want to introduce you to a few of the people I hold closest to my heart and some of the things they have shown me.
I'll start with this guy. His name is Easton and he is my older sister's first born and my first nephew by blood! This boy, no matter what he does, does it with his whole heart. His exuberance is especially apparent in his dancing. He LOVES music. When a catchy tune comes on, he starts moving his little body like he's not sure what's come over him but he can't stop. When he laughs, it is so perfectly joyous that you can't help laughing yourself. He doesn't worry about anything. He trusts fully that Mom and Dad will take care of him and this allows him to live fully in the moment. After all, you can only be in one moment at a time. Why not enjoy the place you're at now?
This is Jackson, the first child of my husband's brother Jason and his wife, Sarah. Jack is their little miracle baby. He was born a couple months premature and had to stay in the hospital for weeks. Even when he got to go home the little guy had to be hooked up to a heart monitor for a while. It was a real trial for Sarah especially, because Jason was (and still is) deployed in the Middle East. I cannot imagine what Jason went through either, being so far away from where his heart was at, living in an environment that demanded his whole focus. But Jack pulled through like a champ! He is now so huge and chubby no one would ever know he was a pre-me unless they were told. He is beautiful and whole and the most perfectly contented baby I have ever known. Seriously. He smiles all the time and only fusses when he needs something. Jackson is a reminder to me that we truly can be content no matter where we are in life, and that miracles still do happen every day.
The next three kiddos all belong to Aaron and Courtney, Nick's brother and his wife.
(Sorry for the bad quality of this one, but it's just so cute!) From left to right this is Elijah (5) Jonah (3) and Judah (1). This is truly an amazing brood of boys. They are all so unique and have their own personalities. Elijah is only five but already he is in love with the Lord. I think his prayer life is better than mine, and probably a lot of other adults too! And I'm not talking about just bed time prayers and meal prayers kids say with mom and dad. I mean, he prays on his own. And my favorite part is the way he talks about it. He'll say, "I been talkin' to God and Jesus..." and then he will tell you the things he learned in prayer. For sure, he has excellent christian parents as examples but I tell you that he is not pretending or merely parroting things he has heard in church. The kid says some deep stuff, but so matter of fact. He has real faith that God is listening to his prayers AND responding.
Jonah is the funniest little oddball around. He is so off the wall you're never quite sure what to expect from him. But the thing I admire most about him is his complete and total honesty. Jonah will always tell you the truth. Even if he did something wrong and you weren't there to see it, if you confront him about it he will tell you the truth! He will tell you the truth even if he feels ashamed of what the truth is. Recently, the boys went to the dentist and Elijah, as brothers often do, teased Jonah a little that Jonah had cried when they had to take x-rays of his teeth. When asked if it hurt or if he was just scared he hung his head in shame and said "I was 'cared". How heart breakingly sweet is that? He didn't lie to save face, even if it meant more ridicule. But we all reassured him of how brave and good he was. After all, the dentist IS scary. A boy with neither tact nor guile, he is as innocent as a dove.
And last but not least, is Judah. This chunk watches with obvious eagerness as his older brothers run around and play and he is just dying to get the hang of his legs so he can chase after them! He gets so excited when they're around and already he tries to play with them and copy what they do. Judah is an animated and poignant reminder to me that we should be so eager to learn how to walk with Jesus, and also, that little eyes are watching the way we walk too. I pray I have always been a good example to all of my nephews. I think of Jesus' dark warning that anyone who causes one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for him if he had tied a millstone around his neck and cast it into the sea. God places a great deal of importance on children, and as the beaming aunt of these boys, I know why, better now than ever before. :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Playing favorites
Ok, since I haven't talked about any of my outfits for a while I've decided to do a bit on one of my favorite accessories. It seems so simple but this thing really helps give the dress a new look and it goes with just about anything I wear with it. It is my fun feathery belt! Feathers seem to be the big trend right now. I got this belt a while back (like a year ago maybe?) at Urban Outfitters. The best part? It was on clearance! Unless you have a million dollars, or a completely expendable income, I suggest making a beeline straight for the sales rack at this store. But it is a fun place to shop and I enjoy the atmosphere. So if you are bored with your clothes there is no need to go buy a whole new wardrobe. Just get a few new accessories! And maybe a new pair of shoes. You'd be amazed at how much you can transform your old garments into fashion forward outfits. Take my word for it! I've been wearing the same dress for 9 months. :)
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