Ok, I said that we would not have anymore orphanage updates for a while but I was wrong! Our contact got to have one last visit to the baby house before she left the country! I'll let her tell you about it.
Today was my last chance to say goodbye to the baby house. It was a sweet time and I was incredibly thankful for the opportunity to snuggle these precious angels one last time. I spent some time explaining to the workers why we have to leave the country and how very sad we are. One worker sat down with my friend and I and offered us tea and candy while we chatted. It was very kind of them and I take that gesture as a sign of our camaraderie. I've always wanted them to know we consider ourselves part of their team and only desire to be a blessing and help to them. Then a bit later I asked permission to take some photos since I will be leaving forever. I didn't want to get my hopes up knowing that usually it is not allowed.
They. said. YES!
My heart was pounding while I raced to get my camera out. I could hardly believe it. I would finally be able to capture the faces of these darling babies and remember them in my heart forever. Now you can finally look into the eyes that have stolen my heart. May you be touched forever by these images.
I'm so excited about these pictures! I hope you were as blessed by them as I was. Also, I would like to give a big BIG thank you to Florence Christian Church. You guys are awesome and I pray that God blesses you all for your generosity. Thank you so so so much!

Saturday, August 27, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The End of an Era.
Dear Readers,
If you follow this blog with any regularity you will have noticed a significant decrease in orphanage updates from our contact lately. This is because she has been in and out of the country due to visa problems. As I have said before, the country is very politically unstable and the government there does not like foreigners. Well, I am so sad to tell you all that our contact is being forced to leave. They gave her two weeks to sell or pack up all her belongings. She is heartbroken that she has to leave but she says she has many trustworthy friends who volunteered alongside her at the orphanages. She will ask around to see if anyone would be willing to write about their volunteering experiences for us. So until then, there won't be any updates but you are still free to donate if you wish. All the money will still go straight to the children. So please keep our friend in your prayers. And thank you so much for being a great correspondent. I will miss reading your notes. This will probably be her last note to the LBDP, not about the orphanages neccessarily, but about saying goodbye.
Life has been on fast-forward the past few weeks and I've hardly had any time to settle my thoughts. It's crazy how one event or one decision can change everything.
Two months ago I was in America buying and stocking up on items to bring back home with me. One minute I'm planning my life as normal, the next minute everything turns upside-down. And now here I am, selling those very items I just bought.
We are moving.
Long story short, we have to leave the country. We are no longer able to live and work here. It was not something we were prepared for. We thought we knew what these next years of life held for us. We were focused on our work here and were excited for what was planned. And all it took was one decision for our lives to be drastically altered.
Not only do we have to leave, but we have to leave in two weeks.
Packing up your life in two weeks, does that sound easy? Not so much.
How do you spend good quality time with your friends and find complete closure in such a short period of time? How do you process everything, pray through everything, think through everything? How do you calm yourself down when you feel overwhelmed and stressed with all that lies ahead? How do you make yourself take a break for a moment when you realize all that needs to be done? How do you spend quality time with your child when you should be packing and cleaning 24/7? How do you explain to your 2 1/2 year old that life is going to change drastically? It's tough. It's really tough. Ask me in about one month how to do it all and I'll have the answer. As for right now, I'm just trying to live through it.
I didn't really think I was attached to "things". We try to live simply and hold loosely to our possessions. But small as it may be, the amount of stuff we have is still dear to my heart. As I sort through my daughter's clothes and toys and my household items... my heart starts to break as I face the fact that I will part with these things forever. We simply cannot take back all our possessions across the ocean. It's not practical financially. But the most important reason we are giving/selling most of our possessions? Because our friends here cannot find good quality American items anywhere else, unless people like us moving away leave it for them.
So I'm saying goodbye to her train set with the little people and cars she's played with since day one here. I'm saying goodbye to the books I read to her every single night. I'm saying goodbye to her little keyboard her Nana brought from America. I'm saying goodbye to sweet pink little baby girl clothes and shoes. I'm saying goodbye to the gorgeous bedding set I've loved so dearly. I'm saying goodbye to Christmas ornaments and Thanksgiving candles. I'm saying goodbye to incredibly life-changing books I've dragged across the world. I'm saying goodbye to all these earthly possessions that essentially have zero eternal value. I'm saying goodbye to the wonderful, adventurous life we have lived here, and saying hello to an unknown future ahead of us.
We thought this was "it" for us. We thought this was "the place" we were ending up for a good long while. I feel like Abraham, or Moses, or Joseph- being moved around from place to place not sure where Father has in mind. But one thing I do know for sure, I know the One who holds my future in His hands. And that, my friends, is the safest place to be.
Here we come America. Let's see what you have in store for us this time :)
If you follow this blog with any regularity you will have noticed a significant decrease in orphanage updates from our contact lately. This is because she has been in and out of the country due to visa problems. As I have said before, the country is very politically unstable and the government there does not like foreigners. Well, I am so sad to tell you all that our contact is being forced to leave. They gave her two weeks to sell or pack up all her belongings. She is heartbroken that she has to leave but she says she has many trustworthy friends who volunteered alongside her at the orphanages. She will ask around to see if anyone would be willing to write about their volunteering experiences for us. So until then, there won't be any updates but you are still free to donate if you wish. All the money will still go straight to the children. So please keep our friend in your prayers. And thank you so much for being a great correspondent. I will miss reading your notes. This will probably be her last note to the LBDP, not about the orphanages neccessarily, but about saying goodbye.
Life has been on fast-forward the past few weeks and I've hardly had any time to settle my thoughts. It's crazy how one event or one decision can change everything.
Two months ago I was in America buying and stocking up on items to bring back home with me. One minute I'm planning my life as normal, the next minute everything turns upside-down. And now here I am, selling those very items I just bought.
We are moving.
Long story short, we have to leave the country. We are no longer able to live and work here. It was not something we were prepared for. We thought we knew what these next years of life held for us. We were focused on our work here and were excited for what was planned. And all it took was one decision for our lives to be drastically altered.
Not only do we have to leave, but we have to leave in two weeks.
Packing up your life in two weeks, does that sound easy? Not so much.
How do you spend good quality time with your friends and find complete closure in such a short period of time? How do you process everything, pray through everything, think through everything? How do you calm yourself down when you feel overwhelmed and stressed with all that lies ahead? How do you make yourself take a break for a moment when you realize all that needs to be done? How do you spend quality time with your child when you should be packing and cleaning 24/7? How do you explain to your 2 1/2 year old that life is going to change drastically? It's tough. It's really tough. Ask me in about one month how to do it all and I'll have the answer. As for right now, I'm just trying to live through it.
I didn't really think I was attached to "things". We try to live simply and hold loosely to our possessions. But small as it may be, the amount of stuff we have is still dear to my heart. As I sort through my daughter's clothes and toys and my household items... my heart starts to break as I face the fact that I will part with these things forever. We simply cannot take back all our possessions across the ocean. It's not practical financially. But the most important reason we are giving/selling most of our possessions? Because our friends here cannot find good quality American items anywhere else, unless people like us moving away leave it for them.
So I'm saying goodbye to her train set with the little people and cars she's played with since day one here. I'm saying goodbye to the books I read to her every single night. I'm saying goodbye to her little keyboard her Nana brought from America. I'm saying goodbye to sweet pink little baby girl clothes and shoes. I'm saying goodbye to the gorgeous bedding set I've loved so dearly. I'm saying goodbye to Christmas ornaments and Thanksgiving candles. I'm saying goodbye to incredibly life-changing books I've dragged across the world. I'm saying goodbye to all these earthly possessions that essentially have zero eternal value. I'm saying goodbye to the wonderful, adventurous life we have lived here, and saying hello to an unknown future ahead of us.
We thought this was "it" for us. We thought this was "the place" we were ending up for a good long while. I feel like Abraham, or Moses, or Joseph- being moved around from place to place not sure where Father has in mind. But one thing I do know for sure, I know the One who holds my future in His hands. And that, my friends, is the safest place to be.
Here we come America. Let's see what you have in store for us this time :)
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
HEAR Some Good News!
Hey, guys! I know it's been a while since we've had an orphanage update. Our contact has been pretty busy lately, but she has some good news for us. Keep reading!
Remember the disabilities orphanage I've visited a few times? Well we have some exciting news about one of the boys living there!
About a year ago I wrote about how our youth group raised over $1,000 for two deaf teenagers to receive hearing aides! It was amazing to see how hard our youth worked preparing for a bake sale and worship concert to raise the funds. My favorite part about the whole thing is how the teenagers were also given therapy by orphanage volunteers to help them "learn" about hearing and speaking.
We received news a few months ago that one of the teenagers was finally about to go home with his mother! Sometimes parents who leave their children at orphanages eventually have a reason to take them back. In this case, him getting hearing aides and therapy was a HUGE part of why he was able to come home!
Is this not one of the most amazing praise reports ever? I mean, this young boy is now able to live at home with his family. I cannot imagine how he must feel.
We can make a difference in this world. Even if we can only help one person, it means the world to them. And that is reason enough to try.
Thank you Father! If your eye is on the sparrow, then how much more is your eye on every one of your children here on earth?
About a year ago I wrote about how our youth group raised over $1,000 for two deaf teenagers to receive hearing aides! It was amazing to see how hard our youth worked preparing for a bake sale and worship concert to raise the funds. My favorite part about the whole thing is how the teenagers were also given therapy by orphanage volunteers to help them "learn" about hearing and speaking.
We received news a few months ago that one of the teenagers was finally about to go home with his mother! Sometimes parents who leave their children at orphanages eventually have a reason to take them back. In this case, him getting hearing aides and therapy was a HUGE part of why he was able to come home!
Is this not one of the most amazing praise reports ever? I mean, this young boy is now able to live at home with his family. I cannot imagine how he must feel.
We can make a difference in this world. Even if we can only help one person, it means the world to them. And that is reason enough to try.
Thank you Father! If your eye is on the sparrow, then how much more is your eye on every one of your children here on earth?
Isn't that great stuff? Let's see if we can get some love to pour
in for these kids. Donations are still very very much needed
you guys. Can't do it without you!
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